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1 Translation result for to deform in Spanish


deform verb

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deformed, has deformed, is deforming, deforms

Example sentences of
deform verb

  • The disease eventually deforms the bones.
  • The disease eventually causes the bones to deform.

Synonyms of
deform verb

Detailed synonyms for deform verb

Deform, distort, contort, warp significan desfigurar o estropear como efecto de una torcedura real o figurada.
  • Deform puede connotar un cambio de forma, apariencia, carácter o naturaleza causado por la presión, una herida o un accidente del crecimiento <the steady winds had deformed the pines into bizarre shapes>.
  • Distort indica el torcer algo de su forma o dirección natural, normal o verdadera <his face is distorted in the photograph>.
  • Contort connota una distorsión extrema que es grotesca o dolorosa <contorting his body by placing his heel behind his neck>.
  • Warp señala una contracción dispareja que dobla o tuerce partes de una superficie plana <the boards had been warped by moisture>.
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Reverse translation for to deform

deformar  - to deform, to disfigure, to distort